
Practical Spirituality

Nov 4, 2010

As we dive more deeply into understanding, and as we embrace these times of transition, it's sometimes good to step back for a few moments and assess where we are and what really matters. Life, looked at clearly, is quite simple. We are all connected, yet unique. We're here to learn, grow, love, be loved, and be happy. Let's remember today, while we continue to learn and grow, to love and to enjoy this life that is our miraculous gift.

To “know thyself” is not merely to know one's thoughts, one's conscious being, but also to know the heart, the subconscious, as well as the higher self, that part of ourselves that is connected to the One Self. Spending all of our time and energy trying to comprehend is to spend all our time and energy knowing only the conscious self.

Understanding... Read More »

Leap to New Heights of Faith...

Nov 3, 2010

Most of us have a pretty good idea what faith is - believing in the unseen and unknowable. But what is faith at a more practical level?

For me, faith has been a constant state of growth and progress. Beginning my walk in faith, in love, in light, after surrendering the idea that I was God, that I had all the answers, that the world revolved around me, I came to a belief that not only does God exist, but that the Divine Presence of God is an active force and power in my daily life.

After a time walking in light and for the most part living a life of love and grace, I stopped thinking about my faith. Lately though, as my desire to live and share more love and awareness expands, I'm being nudged to examine my faith, and more importantly, to grow to higher levels of faith.

As our... Read More »

Divine Connectedness

Nov 1, 2010

What is love? At the highest level of understanding, Love is God, and God is Love, the Divine Presence that moves through us, created us, recreates us in each instant. Love is the utter essence that touches our highest levels of understanding. Love fills us with a sense of peace, contentment, with a feeling that all is right in our world.

Some models of consciousness, our existence, our truth, are shown as in a top-down fashion. For instance:

  • God - perfection, creation, pure light, pure love
  • Higher Self - the place in us that connects to God
  • Conscious Self - the home of the thoughts of which we're aware
  • Subconscious Self - the part of us that feels, the place of sensations and instincts

Personally, I think a better model is more like this:

God surrounds us, pervades us, and connects to us and through us at all the levels of our being. At the higher levels,... Read More »

Embracing Failure, The Way of Success (synopsis)

Oct 31, 2010

"Embracing Failure" is a mindset, a paradigm, understood by all successful people throughout time, if not consciously, at least instinctually. Anyone who has ever enjoyed sustained success in any field or endeavor has also experienced failure, usually great failure. Failures build character and guide us to learn what not to do next time; failures can be great teachers. Embracing Failure is developing an awareness that we succeed only through trying; and that more often than not, the initial tries do not bring success, but bring failures. To become aware, to accept, and to embrace the fear of failure and the failures themselves therefore frees us to be willing to take greater risks, more often. To embrace failure greatly improves our odds of ultimate success.

Most of us are... Read More »

Ending Procrastination

Oct 29, 2010

Why do we procrastinate? Usually it's based on either not wanting to face and be our highest selves or it's simply caused by the habit of procrastination. Procrastinating creates more procrastination; we create a cycle of habit, and the habit takes on a life of its own. Procrastination becomes a place of comfort, not because we actually like being in this place, we don't, but because it's familiar. There's a certain comfort in the familiar. This comfort becomes an impediment to change and growth.

So how do we break free? We act. We face our fears squarely and move through them. We ask ourselves questions like "what's the worst that can happen if I do this thing I'm afraid of doing?" and the corollary "what's the worst that can happen if I don't?"

Usually the worst sort of things that can happen when we choose to act are making mistakes, being... Read More »

You're a TEN!

Oct 27, 2010

One of the reasons love sometimes doesn't find us when we're trying to attract love is not seeing ourselves as beautiful, as perfect, as worthy. The Law of Attraction clearly states that like attracts like. If I see myself as equal, in whatever terms matter most to me in a romantic partner, I stand a really good chance of attracting an equal romantic partner. If I see myself as somehow less, whether in terms of beauty, intelligence, creativity, kindness, or any other attribute I can quantify, I'll not feel worthy of attracting that perfect mate I think I want.

The Law of Attraction only works in the presence of faith, the deep sort of faith that starts deep and pervades all of who we are and perceive ourselves to be. If I'm not attracting the sort of relationships I want, I need to first look at me.

Start by listing those attributes... Read More »

Love's Inevitable Flow

Oct 25, 2010

It simply amazes me how much love I feel some moments. The euphoria of life, the ecstasy of being, the amazement of quiet knowledge, the endlessness of it all.

And in these moments, when the fires eternal burn, when the light shines bright, it amazes me (and saddens me too) that so many people don't 'get it' yet. I certainly understand. It wasn't that many years ago when I was among the disheartened and fearful masses. Chasing fantasies, dollars, addictions, status, utterly unaware of the beautiful gifts of love, and the endless supply of bliss.

This is why I write, for both these reasons. I have a song of love, flowing freely, that flows most freely and gives me great pleasure when I allow the words to be released, soul to heart to mind to hand to word. And, secondly, I have strong desire to share the amazing euphoria with others, and... Read More »

Embracing Change - A World in Peace

Oct 22, 2010

Chapter One – A Sudden Urgency

The signs are all around us. Both in what we see and what we don't. There's an increasingly pressing need to change. The longer we stubbornly wait to join the flow, the more it hurts. Most all of us are in some degree of pain – inexplicable, from a deep unknown place.

There's no more denying it. The voice of the Witness is being overtaken by the voice of Change. We all see it and know it, in some very deep place – a deep and unfamiliar place. It calls and it beckons and it leads. The voice of Change is clearly telling us all that the time has arrived. It doesn't work well any longer to stand by and watch. Change is insistent.

We still have free will, of course, and you've got the ability to put this book aside and go on pretending for a... Read More »

A day at the beach, empowered by divine

Oct 11, 2010

So... just what does it mean to be empowered by divine. For me, at this stage in my journey, my awareness, my life, it's allowing knowledge, understanding, intent, and practicality to be merged in the life of my dreams. I have a wonderful home, a fulfilling career, friends, interests, hobbies, and enjoyable activities. Everywhere I go, everything I do, I do with an awareness and oneness with the Divine that is my higher essence. Mundane daily activities are fulfilling; my heart, mind, and soul are engaged and active in the moment; I am an active co-creator in each miraculous moment.

Such a mindset, world view, way of life, allows amazingness to flow and grow in my life.

Saturday, two days ago, I woke up, thanked God for a new day, enjoyed some coffee and quiet time reading from a few inspired and uplifting books, then went to Rehoboth Beach, a resort town... Read More »

To write, to live, to share

Oct 6, 2010

Writing is a journey. Though it's taken some time, effort, trust, and clearing, I've come to the place where I accept and embrace that I possess a gift in the ability to write well. But this, for me, has been but the first step in writing. Writing requires faith in ones ability to write, but writing also requires both a discipline to write and a willingness to live life so that we'll have something worthwhile to say. Good writing is a mixture of form, beauty, and story.

My story, my journey to becoming a writer, began about nine years ago. A series of life-changing events including recovery from lots of addictive substances and behaviors led me to new outlook on life. I was introduced to a God of my understanding; I learned to love myself and others; I began to embrace the mystery and majesty of life. I discovered a part... Read More »

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