We all know that spiritual people don't allow themselves to get angry, right? Wrath is one of those seven deadly sins. Resentments (unreleased anger) keep us stuck in unforgiveness. Anger is uncomfortable, unloving, and destructive.
Or maybe it's not.
Most of us journey through several identifiable stages on our path to (and of) spirituality and enlightenment. We begin our lives pure. As infants we know but a few emotions: contentment and discontentment. We feel either full and safe or we feel some sense of lack (hungry, wet, alone, cold). When we're full, dry, warm, and in the arms of a loving parent, we feel safe, full, secure, and protected. Our thoughts haven't matured to a state where we understand these feelings, but we know them nonetheless.
As we begin to learn about our little places in the world, connections start to form in our thoughts. We know that a bottle has good stuff... Read More »