The day of great miracles is at hand

Lift me, dear God, to the place where love surrounds
I am lost and alone in this tumultuous world
My spirit has a great need to return to Your love

Let me feel, each moment, Your wondrous perfection
Send Your angels to guide me, sweet Father
Take me to the place where we are One

I need to be restored to a place of true peace
I believe that You support this need in me
Holy Father, restore me to the miracle of love

I surrender all other needs and wants
But the unwavering desire for Your holy peace
Let my tears prime the infinite well of Your love

Help me to remember that fear is of the evil one
Release me from his corrupting grip
His strength is utterly canceled in Your love

Remove from me, Father, all my false beliefs
I need only ask and this prayer will be granted
Restore me to the place of Your joyful promises

There exist no problems too large for You
I hand all my problems willingly to You
Take them, Father; relieve me of these burdens

Let there be nothing left that I feel I need
But Your love, peace, and presence
You are all I need; remove all other desires from me

Bathe me in the Light of Your understanding
Flood me in the Waters of Your healing
Immerse me in the Stillness of Your peace

The day of great miracles is at hand