He noticed the front license plate on my Mustang; it reads POET. He first remarked in that stupid cliche, “So you’re a poet and don’t know it.”

I didn’t quite know how to respond to that, so I simply said, “Yes. I’m a poet.”

He asked what sort of poetry I wrote and I told him that most of it was of a spiritual nature. He said he was pleased to hear that. Then, I said, “God is good.”

He twisted his face as if confused, saying something I didn’t quite catch, but the gist was that God was only good when we do our part.

It shouldn’t have surprised me when he moved quickly to other matters, business matters, and his displeasure at the situation with a project I’m involved in. When I didn’t immediately agree with his viewpoint, he decided to minimize my efforts, telling me he knew someone who said she could very easily create a similar product. Then he went further still, suggesting my time investment was very small, and that his value in the project was much larger than mine.

After twenty minutes of derision I found the opportunity to excuse myself. Worn down by the rantings of his arrogance and attempts at control, I went home, feeling beaten.

I spoke a couple hours later with a wise friend who sensed my emotional disheveledness and related a short anecdote about her turning her anger to pity. I realized that pity allowed compassion.

So, that’s where I am. I’m healing. Six hours later, I’m feeling better. I forgive him. I suspect he’s been an angry and arrogant man for a very long time. I pray he one day finds a better outlook on life.