Dear God,

I seek your refuge. Please accept me. Please forgive me. Please allow me to enter into your peace. I am nothing without you. Outside your calm rest is only chaos. And the chaos has tortured my wounded spirit. But my spirit cannot be wounded, not really. My heart is wounded, my mind, lost and confused; but my spirit is, and has always been, perfect.

Jesus, save me, a lost and wandering sinner.

I have become lost in the vastness and mystery of you. Let me be found in your perfect simplicity.

Jesus, lead me, a lost and wandering sinner.

The raging seas have captured my attention, impeded my certainty of your divine pervasiveness. Embrace me.

Jesus, hold me, a scared and wandering sinner.

In my wisdom, I have forgotten your perfect simplicity. Move my hands. Guide my words. Fill my heart.

Jesus, fill me, a prodigal, returning.

In my arrogant understanding, I have lost my way. Flood me in your light. Displace every fear with your abounding love.

Jesus, purify me, your little brother.

Welcome me into your arms. Let me be unafraid of my flowing tears—tears of holy surrender, of wondrous release.

Jesus, temper me; I need your cleansing fire.

Burn away every last fear. Grant me the courage to stand, and walk with you.

Jesus, enlighten me, a child of a dark world.

God’s light is my saving grace. God’s light is my sole understanding. God’s light is my only need. God’s light heals me.
