Ancient fires still burn
in the hearts forever joined
Aligning the thoughts again
all passion is restored
Tasting the sweet pleasures
bound in your fever
Rhythmic beat rising free
sparks begin the travel
From your fingertips
to mine...
Deeply to your soul
my gaze pierces your soul
Breathing with you
new state begins to fall
Captivated by
your longing desirous gaze
Immerse yourself in the place
where we once walked free
Just beneath the surface
the rage you've held close
wants to find a release
in the merging of souls
Passion seeping
from your deepest core
Stealing from me
my final breath
I surrender to you
Let our hearts beat as one
Let your heat flood over me
I am yours
Ancient dance begins
Breath of life flows forth
Merging has begun
Take me...