To desire peace
Brings feelings of lack
Which are counter to peace
To be peace
Yields feelings of completeness
Which invite peace
Two circles
The one is fearful
The other is loving
Two circles
A decision to perceive
That duality exists
Is by definition
Not at one with peace
Join the circles
Neither be peace nor want it
Be instead, as you see
But to see
Is to perceive, to choose
Choice is by definition, duality
To see, thus
Does not create peace
But further duality
What then?
How do we find the peace...
That was created at the start?
Why then?
Do we believe we want peace?
Is peace found in the stillness?
Is the antithesis of creation
Nothing is created in the void
The answer, perhaps
Do not seek, do not want, do not be
Instead, simply connect in love and learn.