Love???s Message

February 8, 2009

Breezes of light caress your cheek
You, the one who stands
Alive and in great glory
In the streaming sun of a new day

Gazing at the sky with closed eyes
Imaginings of wondrous calm stillness
Standing naked in Creation’s wonder
Field of grains waving with you

Notes of the angels’ song
Barely perceptible below the screams of joy
From you, the silent child, basking, loving

The joy fades, replaced by perfect peace
Perception grows; my peace is with you
My love washes over your openness, embracing you

We enjoy the angels’ wondrous song
We revel in the Light of a Brother in Love
We live in the perfect glory of this moment
You and me, as One

And you hear me
Accompanied by the messengers of song
Accompanied by their bright melody
I sing to you, “I love you. I love you.”

Type: Poetry

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