
June 24, 2008

Can’t you hear me screaming?

There was a time I was whole.
There was a time my life was full.
Then, one day, everything changed.

Under the spell of the wonder of love,
Drawn to your essence, I am the helpless moth.
I am the lone bee feasting on your blossom’s nectar.

Captivated by the warmth of your heart,
Imprisoned by the great strength of your faith,
Torn between euphoric dreams and ego’s traps,
Passion pulling and pushing and meeting,
Made full in the presence of my soul’s true mate.

Every night the tears flow for you,
Every day my soul longs for you,
Every minute my thoughts flow in you,
Every fiber of me cries out for you.

Won’t you please hear my feeble plea?

I am dying without the comfort of your presence.

Vows we made to one another,
In the presence of our truest innocence,
In the presence of two true hearts,
In the presence of a loving God,
Vows to live as one.

I felt your essence wash over me.
I was surrounded and enmeshed in your soul’s touch.
I was alive in your sacred power.
Two spirits dancing in a dark and lonely night.

Two spirits dancing as one.

Type: Poetry

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