Blowing Changes

May 12, 2008

The power was out last night;
Internet Is still down this morning;
A bit disconnected from the world,
I am unshaven and alone at my desk.

Looking out the windows I face,
The leaves that blew from the trees
I see litter the old roof of my building,
While leaves on the trees still blow.

I just learned that the power is still out,
At the office where today I take my new role.
I hush the rising anxiety that I feel;
I ask God for his comforting hand.

Under the confidence of my hard shell,
I see a child - a little lost, a little scared.
A bit unnerved by the tasks ahead,
Today is a day of sweeping change.

As the leaves on the trees continue to blow,
I breathe in deep and ask for the grace,
To stand tall today, yet offer my hand,
Walking always in compassionate wisdom.

Type: Poetry

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