I Wonder

May 6, 2008

“The lane is more familiar tonight,” I think, as I
focus on this breath, and the next. The birds

are more vocal; the serenade feels somehow…
coordinated – or perhaps unified is a better word.

So many voices from unseen places
in the green and healthy trees – old, tall, strong.

So many glimmers of light just beyond
the unspoken thoughts in the dim corners.

A little startled by the harsh midday sun,
I return to the view of the road

just beyond my approaching feet.

With tender caresses from the soft and subtle breezes,
I wonder…

“Do the blossoms, fresh and new, feel them, too?”
I wonder…

“Does the wind feel the excitement I feel as it
touches me in those hidden places?”

As I glance, a bit cautiously, timidly, at the unfamiliar
face of the masculine form approaching

I wonder…

“Does he too, feel the electricity in the brief instant
of the breeze of my presence as we pass?”

Strangers we will be, now and ever. And I wonder…
if he wonders too…

Type: Poetry

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