Miracles Large and Miracles Small

February 6, 2008

So many miracles great and small
Creation's song ever soothing the soul
Life flowing through the eye of a child
Peaceful and kind and meek and mild

Power of God flows from a prayer
Spoken in simple and trusting faith
Healing and mystical waves of grace
Change the very essence of this place

Believe in life and life flows in strength
Believe in healing and healing pervades
Trust the promises of God's holy word
Know that it will have already occurred

Risk the choice of bold and true faith
Miracles flow from the love that grows
God's sacred gifts, present and real
Limited only by our level of zeal

Miracles large and miracles small
Stand and dance and answer the call
Be joyful in knowledge, perfect in love
Overwhelmed in the glory of gifts from above

This poem is inspired by the wonderful and inspiring and ever-present faith of my beautiful Joddy. Her unwavering belief in the presence of miracles has brought healing to many near her and recently to herself. She is a glorious woman, strengthened by the great and forever presence of God in her daily life. She is my inspiration. She is a wonderful gift. She is so much more than I could ever deserve. I am so in love with her. God is so very good...

Type: Poetry

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