Tell me dear Lord
Guide my next step
Ancient surrenders
Your mind is my help
Rocky steep path
Toward the next place
Guide me to you
Show me your face
The battle is yours
I put down my sword
My mind and yours one
I need you dear Lord
Forgiveness and love
Let go of the fear
In each bold new step
My son, please draw nearI made you from me
Divine in each way
Snow melts from your soul
When you're in me this dayOpen your heart
Dear child of mine
Learn, grow and touch
Each instant, divine
Take me Lord, deeper
I beg and I plead
Increase this great weakness
Make stronger my needTo you, I surrender
In you, I am peace
As humanity grows weaker
Let perfection increaseGuide me, dear Lord
Fill me with you
Let your way be my way
In all that we do